About Daniel Dwayne "Diggy" Simmons, III

Name: Daniel:)♥
Middle Name: Dawayne:)♥
NickName: Diggy:)♥

Birthday: March 21, 1995 :)♥
Age Now 2011: 16 (Almost:)♥
 OMG: Diggy was signed to Atlantic Records in New York on March 21, 2010,on his fifteenth birthday:)♥
Shoe Brand: "Chivalrous Culture":)♥
Height : 5'7:)♥
Born In: Queens, New York:)♥
He is the fourth child of Joseph Simmons :)♥
Daniel Simmons appears in Run's House:)♥
Career: Rapper, Fashion Designer, US reality star:)♥
Twitter Page : http://www.Twitter.com/Diggy_simmons